Saturday, December 02, 2006


I received a reply to the Denzel Washington article that I posted here on the pages of this blog and would like to make a statement.

It does not matter to me if he contributed enough monies to the Fisher House to build a new building or just enough to ease the financial burden for just one day. The fact is that when ever a member of Hollywood gets the media attention about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan it is always to criticize the President or cry on and on about how we need to get the TROOPS out.

The realization is this;
(1st) there is a war going on for the liberties and freedoms of another people half way around the world and sometimes it takes the brave men of the USA to stand up and fight for the weak, cowardly, and repressed people. I am proud to say that I am one of the Soldiers of this GREAT NATION who went to Iraq and Kuwait for the support of the war effort to give if not the whole country of Iraq freedom at least one poor soul. I applaud Mr. Washington for making his contribution to the health and welfare of the American Soldiers and would like to shake his hand for doing so. I am proud that he made the effort to support us.
(2ND) he could have just kept his checkbook in his pocket and only benefited himself.

I am not sending out a slap in the face to the poster in regard to this blog, all I am saying is that if he deserves a pat on the back for what he has done and if the facts are not 100 percent correct in the amount I am not liable for spreading any untruth I only passed on the story about a man whoever he is, doing a great deed and lending a helping hand.